Reveal | Day 40- April 8 | Psalm 30

Courtney Roughton
The time between the crucifixion and resurrection was full of confusion and disappointment.

Imagine yourself in the disciples’ position. Everything they expected of this long-awaited Messiah was flipped upside down. When they woke up on Saturday, their beloved teacher and friend was still gone, their lives were in danger, and Rome still held power over them. They were probably questioning whether the hope they were promised would ever be a reality.

Many times in life, we will find ourselves questioning the path we are on. We will be left wondering when the darkness will end and when the fog of confusion will clear. We find ourselves in times of frustration from our plan not working out the way we expected.

Even still, we will always have a reason to praise. We know what happened on the third day. The promise of hope was fulfilled, and it was far greater than the disciples could have imagined. Out of their sorrow came abundance of joy through the resurrection.

We too share in this promise. God’s plans are far greater and bigger than we could ever imagine and the love He gives, much sweeter. Psalm 30: 11-12 says “You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. LORD my God, I will praise you forever.”

Our offering that we give in return to this promise is praise. How could we be silent when He gives the gift of life and life abundantly. Where there was sorrow, there is now joy. Where there was darkness, there is now light. There is always a reason to praise because the promise of hope is our reality through the love of God.

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