Day 5 | 40 Days Through Mark

Day 5 | March 7 | Mark 3:1-19
By: David J. Felter

The Lenten Journey with Jesus is a powerful way to connect with his life and character. The Gospel of Mark is an action-packed account of Jesus, written at the speed of life. In this passage, St. Mark gives us three vignettes from the life of Jesus that provide detailed sketches of Who Jesus was, What Jesus did, and Why Jesus did what he did. Let’s dive in.

Vignette #1: Through Conflict with Compassion | Read Mark 3:1-6

What could have been a time of worship of God became a time of conflict over the rules of Jewish religion regarding the Sabbath. Jesus, seeing the handicapped man, overcame the hostility of the audience by the power of compassion. The light of insight always precedes deliverance. Yes, the crowd there angered Jesus, but his compassion for the man muted the opinions of those who cannot or will not see. Are you going through conflict? Release your compassion.

Vignette: #2: Withdrawal Never Meant Defeat | Read Mark 3:7-12

Interestingly, Jesus chose to withdraw from the immediate conflict. Mark wrote, “Because of the crowd…” Jesus tried going out on the lake for some “down time.” The events in the synagogue were significant. There Jesus met conflict that came from the “insiders,” not the opposition. Here on the lake, all he could see were the crowds with their needs. Once again, his compassion interrupted his withdrawal. Real need triggered his miraculous compassion. Have you withdrawn from a tough situation? Leave the negative behind, and it will not spell defeat.

Vignette #3: Leaning in on the Gifts of Others | Read Mark 3:13-19

The mountains were calling Him. We might have gone to the mountains to recoup and collect ourselves from the abrasive encounters with ugly people. Jesus left the ill-will of his enemies in the synagogue. Here on the mountainside with his companions, Jesus did the unexpected. He shared his power and authority with the twelve disciples. Look around you. In whose life have you invested your gifts of grace?
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Ron spruill - March 7th, 2022 at 6:26am

Thank you David, for your words. God will make me stronger through them today. Blessings on you today!

John Pickens - March 7th, 2022 at 6:47am

The words and actions of Jesus are powerful!

Lynene Sandbloom - March 7th, 2022 at 7:30am

“The light of insight always precedes deliverance “ has given me pause this morning in my approach to conflict. Thank you for your words of truth.

Gordon Wetmore Jr - March 7th, 2022 at 11:47am

Thank you for the thought in #2 where "Withdrawal never meant defeat"!

Amy Wetmore - March 7th, 2022 at 10:41am

“The light of insight always proceeds deliverance”…. Great thought!! Thanks Dr. Felter! Good word this morning!




