Reveal | Day 27- March 24 | Psalm 130

Natalie Johnson
Psalm 130 makes me think of lying in bed in the middle of the night. Pitch black. Quiet.

“Lord, did you see what happened today? Did you hear what I said? Did you see what I did - how I reacted?”

The middle of the night can be haunting. In our heads, we replay it all. The list of our sins can go back for decades. Sleep is lost as we think of how we could’ve done it differently. Instead of counting sheep, we count our transgressions. Shame, guilt, and regret are a heavy blanket as we wait for morning to come. In this passage, I see God pulling back that blanket, reminding us our sins have been “removed as far as the East is from the West”, and telling us that morning is almost here. We’ve got a lot to do today!

Have you ever seen the scene in “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” where four grandparents share a bed and have laid there for 20+ years? Grandpa Joe has decided that this is his permanent position UNTIL Charlie comes in with a golden ticket. Suddenly, Grandpa Joe is not only out of bed, but dancing!

God’s forgiveness is the ultimate golden ticket! What if we took off a “spirit of heaviness”, put on a “garment of praise”, and found ways to serve him today?

Because someone chose to serve him…

By teaching a “LEARN” class for the first time, I met someone who was going through the same struggles as me and felt less alone. By inviting us to dinner. We had a great meal when finances were lacking and gained friends to bear the load. By speaking encouragement to me as someone who’d been through a similar season.

Now I find purpose in seeking ways I can do that for others! God, thank you. We don’t deserve your forgiveness, listening ear, or action. The darkness is not dark for our God and we wait, more than watchmen wait for the morning, for your HOPE and PURPOSE that are poured into our lives as we serve you!

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