Day 40 | April 16

Day 40 |April 16 | Mark 16:15-20
By: Ethel Brewer

Luke 16:15 says, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every living creature,” and that is exactly what my dad did.  He believed in spreading the gospel whether he was in the pulpit or showing God’s love through his daily actions.

Old age and a bad earthly heart had really slowed dad down.  Mom insisted that he wouldn’t be able to attend church on Easter but that didn’t stop him from making plans to go anyway.  
He had me get his good suit out of the cleaners and give him a fresh haircut on the Saturday before Easter.  He had taken his shower that day also so he would have more energy to use on Sunday.

At 2AM Easter Sunday morning dad got up to use the restroom.  Mom went to help him back to bed but he collapsed before making it there.

As she sat on the floor holding his head, in her spunky little voice she informed him that he was going to have to help if she was going to be able to get him back to bed.

Daddy looked at her and said, “Not this time Honey, I’m going home!”  They kissed “Goodbye” and he was gone.

That day the “Stone of poor health and old age” was rolled away and Daddy was ushered into the arms of the Jesus that he had preached about for so many years.

When your “Stone” is rolled away will they find you still there laden with things of this world or will they find you have been ushered into the gates of Heaven leaving only an empty shell?
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Ron spruill - April 16th, 2022 at 7:16am

Thank you Ethel for reminding me that God is there through life and death!

Gordon Wetmore Jr - April 16th, 2022 at 2:17pm

Thank you for your personal story of Resurrection Sunday. I pray for my loved ones to have their own earthly "Stone" to be rolled away for life with God.




