Reveal | Day 1 - Feb 22 | Psalm 23

The Braatz Family
When Darby was a toddler, she would often walk up to Brady, hold up her arms, and say, “Daddy, hold you?” While she may not have been old enough to choose the appropriate pronoun, her desire was clear - she wanted her daddy to hold her so that she could feel loved and secure. Each of us, regardless of age, longs for our Father to meet our needs.

We begin our Lenten journey remembering that we are sheep in need of a Good Shepherd. Psalm 23 reveals to us the heart of God, who guides us and provides for us with kindness and love.

Simon notes that “even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear, for You are with me (Psalm 23:4).” When we face dark or uncertain times, God promises never to leave us alone, for he will provide his comfort and guidance.

Darby comments that God “leads us beside quiet water and restores our souls (Psalm 23:2).” Even when we may not know we need it, God’s presence provides a place of peace - drawing us back to himself. Seeking connection with him centers us and provides us stability in our daily lives.

Norah noticed that God “anoints our head with oil and our cup overflows (Psalm 23:5).” Before we could choose God, he chose us as his beloved children, and anointed us with this blessing. Our cups overflow because of what God has done for us, not because we have done anything to earn the blessing.

Today, as we receive the ashes on our heads and hear the words “From dust you came and to dust you will return,” may we be reminded that all we will ever need has been provided to us by a loving God - a Good Shepherd - who came to earth to live among us. Our God is not far away. he is close to his children. As we draw near to him, “surely goodness and mercy will follow (us), all the days of our lives, and (we) will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” (Psalm 23:6)     

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