Reveal | Day 10- March 4 | Psalm 145

Don Stelting
If you were to ask those close to me what my spiritual struggles are, you’d learn quickly that I think too often about sin in my past and subsequently struggle with guilt. I can’t seem to comprehend how God could still love and desire me after I’ve failed to be a good person. Most of us probably spend too much time consumed with our own problems and issues, maybe even contemplating past sin in our life, but it is important for us to remember that God doesn’t want this for our lives.

In Psalm 145, David gives us a bold reminder that everything, including humankind, exists because of God’s goodness, not our own. God’s greatness is more than enough to cover all of us and all our sin at all times. No matter the sin we have in our lives, God is still good, and in His goodness there’s grace and forgiveness that never ends.

It’s clear that David has nothing earthly on his mind, but is focused solely on shouting praises to God for His compassion and all He has done for people. Instead of crying out to God for help, or groveling over his sin and all of the terrible things happening in his life, he chooses to glorify God for His awesome works and great deeds.

Psalm 145:4 tells us that God has and will stand the test of time, as one generation tells the other of His mighty acts. As I read through these scriptures, I realize that I haven’t spent enough time praising God for His love and compassion in my life. I have wasted so much time worrying about my own sin and where my good might be found. David’s message of glorifying God for His unfathomable greatness still stands as a reminder that we should constantly praise God for His wonderful love and ultimate sacrifice for us. Because God conquered sin, we no longer have to hang onto our past. We can be thankful to the One who has saved us.

I love the way David ends by telling everyone he will shout the praises of the Lord and that every creature should praise the Lord’s name forever. This is my chance to do what I should have been doing all along. I will choose to spend time each day thanking God for His goodness and not dwelling on my own failures.

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