Day 10 | 40 Days Through Mark

Day 10 | March 12 | Mark 5: 21-34
By: Amy Wetmore

Is there anyone that doesn’t want a healing touch from Jehovah Rapha? The Lord who heals: physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually.

I always like to put myself in a story. In this passage, who do you relate to the most? Easy peasy for me. I’m completely desperate for Jesus in about every way. 

I’m Jairus. I’m pleading with Jesus to do what only he can do to spare the life of my loved one. I can only imagine the relief Jairus must have felt when he saw the face of Jesus in the crowd. “I was looking for You! There You are!” How amazing that moment must have been! I think I might have grabbed that righteous right hand of his to pull him along to my house! "Just touch her with Your hand, Jesus!"

I’m the bleeding woman. 12 YEARS she’s looked for answers to an amazingly difficult problem. 12 years of being a total outcast. 12 years of being shunned by society as a whole. No life group. No hugs. No “I’ll meet you for dinner!” Just one discouraging doctors appointment after another with no answers. I’d risk going out in public… "Let me touch His robe! A tassel! A thread!"

Talk about desperate.. Talk about hopeless. Yet those are the characteristics of this Scripture I love the most! Desperate and hopeless is exactly the posture in which I find him. It’s where I learn to surrender myself. It’s the place I’m brazenly bold. What else do I have? I’d do whatever I need to, just to get to him. It’s the place where I remember his goodness and faithfulness to me in times past. It’s the place where I hear his voice telling me to “hang in there. Trust Me.” It’s the place I find him!

The good news is that he did indeed touch the daughter of Jarius and she was healed. The faith of the bleeding women touching his ROBE proved life changing. She was freed from her suffering.

Nothing can withstand the purifying, healing power of Jesus.
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Lynene Sandbloom - March 12th, 2022 at 7:16am

“Nothing can withstand the purifying, healing power of Jesus”; a great reminder of the power available to me every day, What an encouragement, thanks friend.

John Pickens - March 12th, 2022 at 7:49am

A great reminder to pursue Jesus in difficult times!

Gordon Wetmore Jr - March 12th, 2022 at 8:55am

Thanks for the reminder to “Trust Me.”

Ron spruill - March 12th, 2022 at 2:23pm

Thank you Amy for your words! I find myself always needing a touch from Jesus!

Tammy Madden - March 12th, 2022 at 5:39pm

“I was looking for You! There You are!” - May that always be my first reaction.

Melodie - March 12th, 2022 at 9:45pm

I needed this today. Thank you! May I be desperate for Him.

Joanna - March 14th, 2022 at 3:13am

Thank you for these heart-felt words of encouragement!!




