Reveal | Day 38- April 6 | Psalm 21

Kasey Johnson
I have very clear memories of moments when our hometown of Kansas City literally stopped. Businesses closed, streets were blocked off, and everyone was focused on a unified event. The top two celebratory moments involved the Royals winning the World Series and the Chiefs winning the Super Bowl. Part of the excitement in these moments is the realization that these are unique, hard-won accomplishments. If we won the Super Bowl and World Series every year, I doubt we would continue to recognize the achievement on such a large scale.

The reason we celebrate with such gusto is because we appreciate how hard everyone worked, the previous years of losing, the disappointments, and the history behind the accomplishment.

In Psalm 21 we read celebratory language and a recognition of the multiple ways God was faithful to David during battle. We read words about enemies being destroyed and God’s faithfulness concerning David’s reign and victory. While we could agree that war and individuals dying is not something to readily celebrate today, the tone and spirit of this chapter is something we can emulate regarding God’s faithfulness in our life and in the world. David was facing a large enemy. Despite the difficult battle, we read as David boasts about God helping him to not stumble, providing him with victory, and offering answered prayer. Some of us are fighting our own battles. Whether those battles are internal or external, we are not alone. God is with us in the thick of the fight, and even if we stumble, He promises to remain by our side.

In John 16:33 we read Jesus’ words, “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world”. What a beautiful promise for us to hold tightly to on this side of Heaven! No matter if we are in the middle of a battlefield, or enjoying a time of peace, or healing our wounds – we can stand in confidence with our faith community because God has sent others to fight with us!

We can confidently echo the Psalmist’s words in the final verse, “Rise up, O LORD, in all your power. With music and singing we celebrate your mighty acts”. To God be the glory – great things He has done and will do!

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