Saturday, May 7 | Day 7

Luke 6:12
One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. 

Scripture Insights
Jesus is a great example on whom to model our life of prayer. Practical applications come to the one who spends time delving into the different practices of his prayer life. 
This passage from Luke highlights one of those practices—spending time alone with his Father for significant decision-making (see v. 13). Indeed, many of the Gospel writers mention that Jesus would often spend time in lonely places to pray.

There are many other times besides decision-making when Jesus chose solitude in prayer. Those times included relationship building with his Father, quiet times of reflection, strengthening for upcoming challenges, and the renewing of passion and focus.
May we find great encouragement on this prayer journey to carve out time and space for extended communion alone with the Father, if for nothing else then to deepen our relationship with him. As that happens, we will be more in tune with areas of protection, direction, and revelation. Solitude with the Father brings certitude for the journey. 

Today’s Prayer
Lord Jesus, teach me to create time and space so that I may experience your grace and become more like you in this your harvest field. By and in your Spirit, I pray. 

Prayer Journal Reflections
What is the Holy Spirit saying to you today about the Lord’s protection, direction, and revelation for your life and the life of the church? 

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