Friday, May 6 | Day 6

Genesis 1:3
And God said . . . 

Scripture Insights
Our first encounter with God in Scripture is in the creation account of Genesis 1. Notice that all God’s actions in these verses originate from his voice. Nine times in twenty-nine verses we find the words “God said . . .” At the spoken word of God, the universe and all it contains came into being.

When God speaks today, I think we can all agree that it is pretty important. There is power in his words that can create the Milky Way galaxy, give sight to the blind, raise the dead, and transform a life. With that being true, why is it that the prayer life of most Christians is filled with us talking to God rather than with us listening for his voice?
Prayer starts with a listening posture. The big voice in the room is God’s, not ours. Let’s begin our day—let’s begin our prayer—with similar words as those of the prophet Samuel, who said to God, “Speak, for your servant is listening” (1 Sam. 3:10). 

Today’s Prayer
Lord, open our ears to hear your voice. Speak to us and teach us your ways. Breathe fresh life into us through your still, small voice. We are listening. 

Prayer Journal Reflections
What is the Holy Spirit saying to you today about the Lord’s 

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