Day 27 | April 1

Day 27 | April 1 | Mark 11:27 – 12:12
By: Emma Fusselman

At this point in the Gospel of Mark, Jesus is walking in the temple courts teaching. This bold behavior shows a lack of regard for the temple authorities. When Jesus walks in like he owns the place, it doesn’t sit well with the chief priests, teachers of the law, and elders. Instead of trying to argue with them when they demand that he defend his authority, he tells them a story. (Sounds like Jesus, doesn’t it?)

Like in the book of Isaiah, this parable of the vineyard represents Israel as God’s chosen people. The greedy tenants that face destruction for disregarding the owner (the Greek word here literally means ‘lord’) represent the temple leaders that are opposing Jesus. Caught up in their own illusion of power, they have resorted to violence to possess the fruits of the vineyard. The owner always has the power to sweep in and take over himself, but sends several others first, including his own son. This suggests great patience and optimism when it comes to his troublesome tenants.

In the Church today, we may sometimes lose track of who “owns the place.” Like the temple authorities, we may even be offended when the owner shows himself. This is partly because when we see fruitfulness, we are tempted to be possessive. We want to control the presence of good things in our midst, so much so that we avoid giving a share to the God from Whom all blessings flow. Truth be told, though, all good things are due back to God, but He wants us to share in the wonderful fruits of His love. When we fail to be faithful with those fruits, He responds graciously. In fact, He’s even sent His Son for us.

Pray: Almighty God, thank You for the fruits in my life and in our church. Although You have guided us to build on Your firm foundation, let us never lose sight of Who is the Cornerstone. Open our eyes to the marvel of Christ so that we can faithfully love You as both servants and tenants of Your new creation. We praise You, God, from Whom we know all blessings flow.

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Ron spruill - April 1st, 2022 at 7:08am

Thank you so much Emma for your words. I never seem to get things right. But the Christ loves me anyway!! Blessings on you today!

Amy Wetmore - April 1st, 2022 at 8:57am

Thank you for the devotional today, Emma!!

John Pickens - April 2nd, 2022 at 8:05am

Good stuff. God’s love is incredible!

Gordon Wetmore Jr - April 2nd, 2022 at 9:56am

Thanks for a good look at the parable of the vineyard. This parable seems pretty clear to us many years later. It must have been difficult for people in the time before Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection. Thank you Lord for your Son!




